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I have a bone to pick with Kato and Tomix...


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I am really not liking how instead of releasing trains in normal 6-8 configs, they have this new system designed so that you have to buy your train as 4+3+extras.  I know its a good marketing/sales strategy because people buy more trains, but as my friend peter griffin said, it grind my gears.


For example, i am looking at this 4 car set from Kato.



What the heck am i gonna do with a 4 car set with ONE green car?  Why cant they make the four car sets only passenger cars.


Because now that i have this weird train with only one green car, they are forcing me to buy another set, which is more expensive than if i just bought a full 8 car set with green cars.


I am in the market for a 4-5 car e217 because i need a new motor car and i want new end cars as well, but i dont need any green cars.  They used to sell a 5 car set with only passenger, and they offer this 5 car passenger for the e217 tokai, but NOT the yokosuka!! 

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I usually say, "fracks my weasel" but totally agree with ya on the small set releases that force you to buy 3 +up sets. Thankfully my platforms on the rural Kyushu layout will only allow for me to run 3 car trains at the most so it's not a big deal for me.

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Mudkip Orange

When the first E231 Yamanote release came out with individual cars, I always wanted to make a train of entirely cattle cars. Not prototypical but who cares. Alas, that is not to be...

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^or you can make a train with ONLY green cars from all the extra sets!!  it would look more like an amtrac train than a japan commuter.

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Mudkip Orange

^or you can make a train with ONLY green cars from all the extra sets!!  it would look more like an amtrac train than a japan commuter.

Actually all green cars would look kinda like MARC...
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I am really not liking how instead of releasing trains in normal 6-8 configs, they have this new system designed so that you have to buy your train as 4+3+extras.  I know its a good marketing/sales strategy because people buy more trains, but as my friend peter griffin said, it grind my gears.


For example, i am looking at this 4 car set from Kato.



What the heck am i gonna do with a 4 car set with ONE green car?  Why cant they make the four car sets only passenger cars.



I think its simple economics.  People don't have the money to buy large trains.  Plus this trend started at a time when the Japanese Yen soared.

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I agree with Bill and the economy. When you see a 3 car Shinkansen set for $79.00 USD, it's more inviting than the 6 car set for $159.00. The feeling could be, I'll buy the 3 car set now and get the Add-on set later.

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i was all set to go and buy the 217 expansion set when all of sudden voila!  my motor car started working. 


god darn models be having me sweating with stress sometimes.


now i am contemplating getting a e531 expansion instead because even though the motor works really good its kinda loud.

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i was all set to go and buy the 217 expansion set when all of sudden voila!  my motor car started working. 


god darn models be having me sweating with stress sometimes.


now i am contemplating getting a e531 expansion instead because even though the motor works really good its kinda loud.


Hey Subway,

I am just curious about the motor, can you send it back to Kato?  Is it still under warranty?  I am very surprised you have some many troubles with power and motor.  I have been running my collection of Kato and Tomix for 5 years now and not seem to have any issues. 

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yea its most likely my track, it loses current is some places.  my e217 had lots of problem with stalling, however yesterday i put it on my good track with full current, and put it almost into the redline, and it zipped around with ease.


the e531 is very smooth never had problems even on the bad track, but its kinda loud and has a whirring noise that sounds more like a generator engine than an electric train.

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HAHA so my grandpa sent me a e231 set and it was the FOUR CAR!


so now i gotta go find another 4 car set to match it. i wish hobbysearch didnt charge 30 for shipping, but i guess they are my guys again.

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Time to drop in some more power feeds. Truth be known, I have this one spot on my layout where the power drops dramatically between two power feeders at the 20" mark between two power feeds. The sad part is it's in a spot flanked by a station platform right at a switch.

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