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Unbelievable, but true...Metrolink woes

bikkuri bahn

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"We knew we were going to have a rough year," said Gary Lettengarver, chief operating officer for Metrolink. "Conflicts with freight trains plus track construction were problems. And we're learning to use positive train control. This is a technology no one really knows about."


"We are one of the first railroads in the world to have positive train control," said Art Leahy, Metrolink's chief executive. "We have a learning curve, and we've had to debug the system."



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Essentially they are trying to implement an etcs 3 like gps/mobile phone based system without the etcs 1/aces like ground based fallback/failsafe components.


This is like stucking a smartphone with a gps map and network connection into every cab and trying to run a railroad system with it. It may work, but a failsafe system should stop a train every time the mobile/gps signal goes away. Also, freight cars or at least freds should have a unit too, otherwise the end of freight trains (or any lost cars) can't be determined with 100% safety and require proceed ob sight rules from the drivers.


Actually this is really a first as pure radio based rolling block systems have never worked fully reliably before. The closest is the japanese trial installation but they do have a working fallback system.

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