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Japan MOD reveals test prototype stealth fighter

bikkuri bahn

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Krackel Hopper



Seems to share a lot of design traits with the F22 Raptor.  Big differences being it has a lot rounder edges and appears to be much smaller overall.  If it really is that much smaller, I wonder what sort of payload and range this aircraft has.


Avoiding trying to get political, I hope Japan does not overdue it when it comes to military buildup.  Coming from a country that spends more on military than everyone, I'm very aware to the neglect of our infrastructure.  Dedicating money towards military takes those funds away from somewhere else.  For us, it's infrastructure.  Again, not trying to get into a political debate because the reality is even without military spending we would probably still find somewhere else to divert that money before taking care of infrastructure.  I hope Japan does not go down the same road.

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Japan is developing it b/c the US was unwilling to sell the f-22.  It's smaller because it's a test plane to try out new technologies. The production model will likely be a bit larger.  However, it will be small for an air superiority fighter as building a bigger, longer range version will classify it as an "offensive weapon" and get peaceloving China's knickers in a twist.

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