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liked a post you made bug

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after some investigating, if you click on their username, it seems the same time the "like" notification comes through, it the same time they were last online.


if i click on the "like" section in my profile.  none of the likes exist.

Edited by katoftw
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I've had the same or similar phenomenon occur.  Martijn's theory is that it's someone trying to garner reciprocal likes to gain some kind of status, though that system doesn't exist on this forum. 

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I've had a few users who turned out to be spammers do likes on some of my very old posts. Then a few days later they spammed and were nuked,,, I don't think we have nuked any spammers in the last couple,of weeks though.


I think these meat bots try to do some likes to seem good with hopes it will not get them nuked right away when they do spam. Oh well, who knows what lurks in the minds of spammers!



Edited by cteno4
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  On 11/8/2015 at 10:44 PM, katoftw said:

In my case.  The likes don't exist.  But the notifications for the likes do.

That was my case too. 

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Martijn Meerts

I'm guessing the like notifications are handled on the background, but background scripts are run at irregular intervals. So there is a chance that someone likes a post, a notification for that is being handled, and while it's being handled, either unlikes the post (not even sure that's possible ;)), or gets deleted for being a spammer.


The disadvantage of this forum software is that is was designed a long time ago and doesn't use many (if any) of the newer technologies available. It's also coded to work on older versions of PHP, which aren't necessarily great. There have been some new version (and there was a new major version not long ago), but they don't change the core system at all.


I have some ideas to speed things up a bit, but I'll figure those out after I move to new servers. Unfortunately work has been crazy the past weeks, and will be up until just before the christmas holidays most likely, so I'm not sure when I can get it all done.

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Thanks, this is one bug we don't need you spending any time on! We realize how much you do keeping the forum running!





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