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DeAgostini Z scale layout part-work series


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I like the Tokyo Tower model, at the moment there's a Nanoblocks version on my B Train Shorty layout thanks to a local gift shop selling them off.


If anyone is tempted then I strongly suggest subscribing, rather than expecting to be able to find a copy every week at a newsagent. At least assuming these are much like partworks in the UK, which have a habit of disappearing from shops after the third or fourth issue (and you're lucky if it gets that far!) They can sometimes produce a useful item for pennies with the first issue, like the Hachette "Build a Model Railway" one a year or two ago which offered a pretty decent MK1 SK coach for £4. You could either do some painting and detailing, or use them as a base to convert into other types of coach (or the large selection of EMUs based on the MK1 design).


Not railway related, but I'm currently subscribed to "Build a Model Solar System" which should produce a very nice brass orrery over the next year. At the moment I have a baseplate with a column, atop which is a large brass ball representing the sun and two of the tower of gears which will eventually move the planets (by hand, until the motor arrives in the final issue).

Edited by Welshbloke
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