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Best places to Shoot Photos?

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Does anyone here know good places in Tokyo to shoot photos of trains? Any line, any time, any type of train. Good/unique points of view are always cool. 

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My advice:

Ride the line you want to shoot from end-to-end on a Saturday or Sunday morning, making sure you get the front or rear facing view. Then notice where you see the other "tecchan" shooting their pictures and make a note of the location.

That's usually going to be some of the more scenic places.

I'm lucky enough to live in an area where there are actual ground crossings too, so if you can shoot from the side of the road or off a pedestrian bridge (making sure to not be in the way of traffic or cause some distractions to the drivers of trains and cars) you're good.

Also one big point I gotta make...


You may distract/blind the driver and he/she will hit the emergency brake!

This is posted all over the place where railfans shoot, but just be forwarned.

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