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Vale Umeda Freight Yards

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I have not seen this mentioned anywhere... in fact, the Freight Train Timetable that I recently acquired, which was meant to indicate freight from March this year, still shows traffic to and from this yard.


For anyone interested... it is now savannah. The entire plot is a vast grassland... not a gantry nor a shed graces its open plains.


Do not expect freight trains to begin here and end up at Hirano.

Well... they still make it to Hirano... but all logistics are done in Suita yard!

Edited by stevenh
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bikkuri bahn

View from a tenth floor brasserie restaurant. That black space was once the yards.




I have a copy of the JRF timetable from March 2013, the first after the Umeda yards were closed, and no trains are listed as either originating or stopping in Umeda. They all transit the Umeda freight line between Shin Osaka and Nishi Kujo on their way to/from Ajikawaguchi Freight Terminal on the Sakurajima Line.

Edited by bikkuri bahn
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Das Steinkopf

I was in Osaka in late March this year and the Umeda Freight Yard area was already stripped back bare at that time.


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Cool, sounds like Osaka is to get some more much-needed high-rise office/apartment complexes on prime real-estate near the city centre, lending a new aesthetic note to the city's stunning architecture.

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Woah, so a lot has changed since I was there last in 2013. I really must not have been paying attention.


The 2015 Freight Timetable, page 105, shows freight from Suita to 'Osaka'.

This differs from page 106, which indicates freight from Suita to Ajikawaguchi.

And again from page 107 which shows freight from Suita to Hirano.


Now that I look at the map in the timetable again I can see that Osaka Freight Terminal is to the east... it seems to be the yard adjacent to the Shinkansen yard, south-east of Senrioka.


It seems that I would've needed to be at Senrioka station to see the services, rather than ShinOsaka. They'd all traverse the big concrete viaduct over the tokaido 'hon' sen to the north east of Senrioka.


Saw the Hirano services nonetheless... will post about those soon. Good fun.


And thank you to all above for the information.

Edited by stevenh
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