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NHK World: Speeding to Glory - The Shinkansen


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I had no idea if this had actually got here. When I hit the "Post" button yesterday, I got an internal server error, and hadn't been able to get back on the forum since then... I have just logged back on to post it, but I see I don't need to... cool. :D

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i just watched was a good and the most complete shinkansen video to date even better than the Begin Japanology (PLUS) and the Railway Journal Cool Japan, kinda sponsored by JREast but is shows why and what types of diferent models do run and how is done even the simulation to 360KM/h is already been test


edit: not Railway Journal but instead Cool Japan my bad

Edited by NuclearErick
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I just watched this too. While most of the information has already been covered by the other documents, it was still nice to watch and like Erick mentioned tests were made for 360km/h~ Also, we get to see the East-I interior which was kinda rare, and the participants to the 9th World Congress on High Speed Rail was treated to a shinkansen ride to JR East maintenance centre...


I like how the interviewed driver responded. Quote 'Now from a technical prospective, I have to say that arriving at or passing through a station at exactly the right time is just hugely satisfying! Zero seconds early, Zero seconds late, Right on time! When I managed to do that I say to myself: "I did it"


Very nice quote of the day for me!  :)   

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