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Lineside Relay / Electrical boxes


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I've started acquiring railway details, and this was one that I wanted.  Here are images from the Enoden and Randen lines showing these boxes.









I don't know what's available in Japan, but I'll show what I found in the U.S. - and one U.K. item.



The N-scale Architect has some, but they work out to $6 each before shipping.





This is a new item with good detail, and listed as small, but it's large enough to have a man door.





BLMA has a similar item, along with smaller ones, but it works out to some $10 each.





These are the lowest price per item, but they all have an odd sloping top and the rivet, etc. detail is way oversize.  I have thought about sanding the rivets down, even at the cost of repainting.





These are rather crude resin castings, but with a low price, and they could possibly be finished to become usable - although the bottoms will require a lot of work.





Showcase Miniatures has a number of options, including these, but many of theirs are of an older style unsuited for contemporary Japan.  Also, being cast white metal, they'll probably require a fair bit of cleaning.






The Ratio 257 is perhaps the most attractive box that I've seen, but at a price.  Those selling on eBay would cost me some $20 total.




I tried contacting Peco, who now own Ratio, and got this back:

" The cost of a single Ratio 257 kit would be £5.21 plus £4.00 postage and packing."


This makes it more reasonable for the number of boxes included, and they seem perhaps the most similar to the Japanese style.  I've written them back to see if buying multiples might lower the kit cost and/or the shipping per unit.  One possibility is getting a bunch and distributing (to forum members) here in the states.



What are the Japanese entries?  I think I've seen some, but didn't make note of it at the time.


Of course - in N-scale it might be possible to simply cut a short section of styrene strip, add a few bumps to it, and paint it silver. 


What have others used / built?



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These are the lowest price per item, but they all have an odd sloping top and the rivet, etc. detail is way oversize. I have thought about sanding the rivets down, even at the cost of repainting.

Those are not rivets, but the door hinges and the shape of the sheet metal roof panel. It's not oversize, but a small box in a larger scale, but they are not that oversize to be unusuable. They are the second best from your list as most japanese boxes are flat top or sloping in one direction only, not the double slope 'garden shed' roofs of the other kits.


Personally i think the Ratio kit looks the most japanese. There are a few japanese kits as well, from almost all accessory makers, even Tomytec has some painted and assembled kits. (usually included as details in bigger sets)


For sratch building, i would say that some styrene, a little filing and a bit of paint to add the details would work as well, especially for smaller boxes that have less details in real life. Painting them flat silver and maybe dusting them up a bit would work very well.

Edited by kvp
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> Those are not rivets, but the door hinges and the shape of the sheet metal roof panel.


I meant the line of "bumps" along the front of the roof, and I can't accept them as the "shape of the sheet metal roof panel".



I had a new idea - find someone to just produce the front surface as photo-etch, and glue that to a strip of styrene.  The other sides don't seem to have any detail.



Here in the U.S. they are painted silver (heat reflection?), but the Japanese ones seem to be a light gray - standard RR color.

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greenmax has them.  identical to the example images.


On HS I found Greenmax #74 and #2179, both long sold out, and apparently with the same contents in both packages - which are listed as Track Side Facilities.


Each kit has two boxes (and a lot of other stuff), with sloping tops - as kvp mentioned is sometimes the case.


Does Greenmax have another product with flat-topped boxes?

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most japanese boxes are flat top or sloping in one direction only, not the double slope 'garden shed' roofs of the other kits.


All three of the boxes in the Enoden photo have double sloping roofs - although, one is much more subtle than the other two.


Several of the ones I found on eBay are of a much larger type, with a "man door", and perhaps 8' square and just as high.  It's possible these are not used in Japan - or at least not on tram lines.

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On HS I found Greenmax #74 and #2179, both long sold out, and apparently with the same contents in both packages - which are listed as Track Side Facilities.


Each kit has two boxes (and a lot of other stuff), with sloping tops - as kvp mentioned is sometimes the case.


Does Greenmax have another product with flat-topped boxes?


This is correct: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10175012  and yes they are mainly sold out... Another idea might be to wait for our friend Toni to come up with 3D models for these track side boxes ~  :) 

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Charles, check with Nariichi and Dave and also ebay, plazajapan has them and I see them pop up often.


Are a simpler thing if you want to try your hand at sketchup and 3d printing!



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Jeff - This is what I've found in my search for Japanese versions:


Track side accessories

Tomix 3075 - doesn't appear to have any relay boxes

Kato 23-228 - I can find many images of the sealed package, but none of the contents

Greenmax 2179 - one each of two "slanted roof" styles, strangely shown painted orange


I know we have different feelings about 3D printing, but it just seems to me that photo-etch would have sharper detail, without the layer lines and required cleanup.


It might also work as a quality (no bubbles) resin casting, with the front side facing down.


I'll order one or more of the Ratio kits, as I think they're the cleanest looking.

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Another idea might be to wait for our friend Toni to come up with 3D models for these track side boxes ~ :)

I can be commissioned as well!. This is how I mainly get my standard work done. ;)

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Thanks, Toni, but neither my need nor budget would support a commission.


I'll live with the available offerings.


No one had mentioned the Greenmax 2181 when I first asked about other products of theirs.

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Patience grasshopper, patience -- it showed up! ;-p


Good to look thru the whole greenmax spread on HS, they have quite a number of bits and like 2181 the search terms for it might not be what you would guess!




They recoded a few years back to mostly 4 digit codes from 2. The old 2 digit codes are either no longer in production (but do pop up on ebay thanks to mokei imports bringing over so much Greenmax structures over the decades) or are now reposted under new 4 digit codes.



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No one had mentioned the Greenmax 2181 when I first asked about other products of theirs.

Someone mentioned Greenmax 5 hours after you opening post.

That same someone gave you a direct part number when you missed it on HS search 23 hours later.

Edited by katoftw
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Another option - http://shpws.me/IYHM


This guy does a lot of model railroad stuff, and I saw his Z-scale boxes and inquired if he could do N-scale.


I've asked if he has any photos of the actual product, but doubt it.


I tend to be suspicious of renderings, so will likely wait, even if it means missing the free shipping special.

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So he made an n scale version for you when you asked, but now you want him to print one for you and post picts before you buy it?



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As I've said before, I’d previously been burned a few times by products that didn’t come close to what the renderings showed.


Due to this, I trust photos and not renderings.


You're welcome to have whatever 3D Printing purchase policy you wish.

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Did you tell the chap you would not buy an n scale version w.o a photo of a completed print when you asked him about making an n scale version for you?



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you were the one that expressed suspicion of the chaps potential print after asking him if he could do one. To be fair to the guy it would be nice to have let him know you would not purchase until there was a picture of the printed item posted. This is the point of what I think you are being totally unreasonable in this whole thing with shapeways model. You won't give it a break as you always bring this up when you talk shapeways so why can't I rebut?



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Because we're each well aware that the other has varying views, but you're the one insisting on bringing it up (again), and it's getting tiresome.


I presented a new product of potential interest and you decided to make it personal.


Yes, I have personal reservations regarding a certain company (I told Toni I wouldn't mention the name again), but that's my concern and I don't see why you need to harp on it.

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Actually there are various levels of checking done on a shapeways item:

-beta: algorithmically checked for printablility, 3d model only

-release: already printed successfully

-with photo: already printed successfully and owner has a real photo (either own or customer)


Generally if there is a photo in a smaller scale (like Z), then the slightly larger version (like N) would have less printing issues. Much larger versions (like 1) can suffer from lack of detail though. Asking for a photo is ok, but designers who didn't design every item for themselves might not have a photo from every item in every scale. Also many people who does have a photo might decide to keep the model private an sell the printed out items at a marked up price. (which is more expensive but you'll have photos of what you buy) Some of these people only buy a single 3d printed item and make a mold off of it (after sanding, etc.) and mass produce with that.

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