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Railway Maps of Japan

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Railway route map featuring all JR lines and a portion of the private railway lines in Japan:

http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~t-koron/japanmap.pdf (WARNING: large rendering file >8MB)


Included are small maps for the Tokyo area, Osaka-Kyoto area and Nagoya area with all (?) private railway lines, but as the legend already suggests the large map appears to only feature some random private railway lines and is missing a lot of them. Obviously there are a lot of stations missing on the map too, but it looks like most principal stations have been added.

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Good find! Thanks Densha!


What's interesting is that airports are also included, along with the countries they fly to. Cant help but notice that almost all airports fly to Seoul! 

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The airport thingy is a bit nonsense because most destinations outside Asia are not mentioned. But apart from that I think that it is a nice map.


Feel free to post other maps here if you find them. I've been looking for a railway map of whole Japan for a while but this is the only one I've been able to find yet. Other maps are also welcome of course.

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  • Densha changed the title to Japan Railway Maps

Several Japanese railway companies have some very interesting maps on their website. Looking at JR, especially JR East's and JR West's maps are very good. The isometric perspective of JR West's maps are very interesting.


JR East: http://www.jreast.co.jp/map/

JR Tokai: http://railway.jr-central.co.jp/route-map/ (warning: crappy design)

JR West: https://www.jr-odekake.net/route/

JR Kyushu: http://www.jrkyushu.co.jp/railway/routemap/

JR Shikoku: http://www.jr-shikoku.co.jp/01_trainbus/st_number/index.shtm

JR Hokkaido: https://www.jrhokkaido.co.jp/network/barrier/maptop.html

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  • Densha changed the title to Railway Maps of Japan
On 10/5/2017 at 6:32 PM, Kiha66 said:

Sorry to post to a dead topic, but I thought this JNR map from the October 1964 English-language timetable might be of some interest.  I like how it shows the national parks as well.  


Is there more of these? I want to make a model of Hokkaido in the last years of steam, and can't seem to find much..

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5 hours ago, shadowtiger25 said:

Is there more of these? I want to make a model of Hokkaido in the last years of steam, and can't seem to find much..

Imho this is a great find and it looks like some of the recently closed lines were not yet completed in 1964.

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Japanese railway maps.

An interesting one is the Road Atlas Japan.

What use to me is a Road Atlas?

Well, whilst showing all the roads, it also shows all railway  lines and stations with their names in Roman.

A4 size, ISBN4-398-20104-1

Published by : Shobunsha, my edition 2008, likely later editions.





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21 hours ago, ben_issacs said:


Japanese railway maps.

An interesting one is the Road Atlas Japan.

What use to me is a Road Atlas?

Well, whilst showing all the roads, it also shows all railway  lines and stations with their names in Roman.

A4 size, ISBN4-398-20104-1

Published by : Shobunsha, my edition 2008, likely later editions.





Cant find it by ISBN

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shadowtiger 25.

That ISBN is the one given on the back cover.

katoftw's post gives an Amazon contact.

My purchase price was Y2,857, some while ago.





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Just some quick resource sharing.


OpenStreetMap nowadays has a transit layer option, which emphasizes... well, transit. Makes it really easy to quickly grasp the route and stations of a railway line.



There is also OpenRailwayMap, which builds upon OpenStreetMap. ORM differentiates rail types, shows maximum speeds and signalling.


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Last year, Inoue Masaki released its "Tanoshii Rosenzu" (Happy Route Maps) book, featuring 200 railway maps from all over Japan. The ISBN code is 978-4766131871, and it is available through Amazon Japan. According to reviews on Amazon, the maps are a bit on the small side and thus difficult to get a good look at. On the other hand, the price of the book is not very high at all!

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An excellent map for the Tokyo area is 'Rail Map of Tokyo Area'.

This is a big, diagrammatic fold out map, English on one side, Japanese on the other.

All lines, JR, private, including the Toden Arakawa tram line., monorails.

It also comes with  a little booklet that gives stopping patterns and travel times for all the lines.

ISBN4-398-72008-1, price in 2007, Y714.Can't work out the publisher.

As it opens up to about more than three feet square, it's not the sort of map you could consult on a Yamanote Loop train.

It covers well past the Tokyo area, going out past Takasi. Yokohama, Odawara, Chiba, Mito, Sobu, etc.





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The app "Rail Map" in the app store is excellent. They have different countries available (mostly Asian countries, except China) and the UK. It is free if you select 1 country. The Japan map is broken down per region and includes all railway connections (JR, Private, Monorail, Subway, Streetcar). And the layout is well done, too. Available for iPad and iPhone.


Android version, iOS version

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This All Japan Shinkansen Rail Map might be the best Shinkansen map I have seen to date. It is a pleasure to look at and clearly shows the varying stopping patterns of all separate services from the various JR companies. The only shame is that it is has not been updated since the 14 March 2015 timetable revision.



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Is there such thing as a satellite view map that has JR lines highlighted in their respective colour, specifically JR East?


Not likely, but I'd thought I'd try!

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Track maps of a lot of different railway systems in Japan. Of course not to scale, since these are track maps, but very interesting. I think they are being regularly updated (though can't always guarantee it's 100% up to date) and from what I have seen comparing to the Google maps lines, very accurate. Details specified down to which direction on the track is a straight line and which one is diverging (or if both are diverging).




English version


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So not specifically a railway map, but it does show the railway system as it was c. 1967 on Hokkaido.  It was found at the New Year celebration put on by the Central Vancouver Island Japanese-Canadian Society, otherwise known as 7 Potatoes.  In addition to food and entertainment they sell lightly used items as a fundraiser and I got this for $1.00.  I worked for a cartographer for a few years and became very aware of what good maps should be, and this is an excellent example of the cartographers work.  Also the printer as its printed on linen, and is 15" square with amazing detail.  For the rail lines it shows stations and tunnels, and there are a lot more lines shown than my 1964 map and of course today.  Always fun to get onto Google Earth and look for the old lines too.


I am going to see about getting it scanned, this photo is just taken with my cell phone and is not very sharp, especially around the edges.


Hopefully someone finds it interesting, I know I do.


Hokkaido 1967 Map.jpg


Close up of the detail.

Map Snip.png

Edited by RS18U
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