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Toyama Buses


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I am looking to find out about which bus companies operate around Toyama.


And then , of course, I will want to know which buses have been modeled so I can include them on my N scale layout.


Thanx in advance.


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bikkuri bahn

Chitetsu Bus is the big operator of local and highway buses in Toyama. Subsidiary Kaetsuno Bus operates in the western portion of the prefecture centered around Takaoka. Somebody else will have to give you info about models.


Edited by bikkuri bahn
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I think JR500's wallet is getting thinner...


Haha that's a good one! It's already very thin by the way ~  :)



And then , of course, I will want to know which buses have been modeled so I can include them on my N scale layout.



Hi Gerryo, there isn't much models for buses from Toyama, but I found this on Bus Collection 13: 




152 富山地方鉄道






I think that's the only one I can find so far, both on Tomytec and Kyosho bus types. Will let you know once I discover more information.



Chitetsu Bus is the big operator of local and highway buses in Toyama. Subsidiary Kaetsuno Bus operates in the western portion of the prefecture centered around Takaoka. Somebody else will have to give you info about models.



That's a nice web site ~ Informative! I like some buses in there and wished there were models for them...

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I think that paying $50.00 US for 1 bus that I would like is a little too much.



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