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Nihonkai or Akebono with ED75


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After trying for a while to figure out what passenger train my ED75-700 might go with, it finally occurred to me to look at the headplates that came with it. Then I had to go borrow a powerful magnifier. :-/


But it turns out that they are for the Nihonkai and Akebono sleeper trains. Wikipedia says that these things were pulled by EF81s, but I'll take Kato's word for it with the ED75. So maybe I'll start looking for some blue-train sleeping cars (24 series, according to Wikipedia). And since those trains went all the way to Aomori, they'll fit in well as I get more Tohoku-related stuff.

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EF81s (AC/DC; they're dynamite!) are now used where in the past EF65s or EF64s (DC only; Between Tokyo and Kuroiso) and ED75s (AC only; between Kuroiso and points north) were used. Many trains are still hauled that way (including Akebono, as I recall)


Also, the 24-25 series cars come with either a silver stripe or a gold stripe. If I'm not mistaken, blue trains running north from Tokyo use the gold stripe? Can someone else confirm this?

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Thanks! Nice to clear that up. And it works that the ED75s would be at the north end, since I'm hoping to have a set of stuff from northern Honshu.


Also, I just found a some proof (of a sort) that this right--a picture on Flickr showing an ED75-700 with an Akebono headplate:


ED 75 775


It's amazing what you can find *after* you've already found the answer.

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EF81s (AC/DC; they're dynamite!) are now used where in the past EF65s or EF64s (DC only; Between Tokyo and Kuroiso) and ED75s (AC only; between Kuroiso and points north) were used. Many trains are still hauled that way (including Akebono, as I recall)


Also, the 24-25 series cars come with either a silver stripe or a gold stripe. If I'm not mistaken, blue trains running north from Tokyo use the gold stripe? Can someone else confirm this?


Blue train cars can also have white stripes, and NO, the colour does not indicate any particular area ... in more recent times you could see all three types mixed in one train.


Really? That's very interesting. What do the stripes mean, then, if anything?

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So--does this mean that I can use any Series 24 blue coaches, as long as the end car has the same train-ID sign as the locomotive?

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Just to see if i'm on the same page, when you say "24/25 series," are you saying "Series 24 Type 25"? If so, the following will be helpful. :)


Based off a quick skim of the Japanese wiki, both the Nihonkai and the Akebono for sure use the Series 24. As far as type goes, either Series 24 Type 24 or Series 24 Type 25 cars have been used.


From Nihonkai wiki, under "Modern Configuration":



Owned by the JR East Aomori Car Center, Series 24 Passenger Cars are used.


From Nihonkai wiki, in the table next to "Modern Configuration"



Furthermore, there have been instances where OHANE Type 25 and OHANEFU Type 25 have been used in OHANE Type 24 and OHANEFU Type 24's place.


From Akebono wiki, under "Passenger Car Configuration"



1980年に20系客車を置き換えた際に「あけぼの」に投入された車両は24系24形であったが、1982年の「ゆうづる」削減に伴う「あけぼの」増便(2往復から3往復に増便)により「あけぼの3・4号」(上野 - 青森間)に24系25形編成が投入され、「北斗星」が登場する1988年3月まで使用された。2002年の「はくつる」廃止以降は、同列車に使用されていた3本金帯を巻いたオハネフ25形及びオハネ25形が編成に組み込まれることが多くなっており、白帯の24系24形、金帯の24系24形および25形の混成編成で運行されている。


Basically saying that the Akebono uses Series 24 cars that are owned by JR East Aomori car center. The rest of it saying it started off using Series 24 Type 24 cars and then starting from 1982, began to also use Series 24 Type 25 cars. It also mentions, after 2002, why some of the gold sash cars were mixed into the white sash cars. (I can do a more precise translation if needed)


Also, some quick skimming through the Tomix 08-09 catalog, set 92745 plus add-ons (Series 24 Type 24) and set 92771 plus add-on (Series 24 Type 25) has car arrangement diagrams for the Nihonkai using the aforementioned sets. Unfortunately, i did not find any mention of Akebono in the Series 24 pages or car arrangement diagrams.


Hope this helps. ^^;;

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