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  1. Hello everyone, We now have firm dates for our part in the annual event at the Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California. April 9th to 13th, 10:00am to 4:00pm The event actually runs from the 5th but our time starts on the 9th. We will be setting up the layout during the afternoon of the 9th so we don't actually starting running it until the 10th. Our layout features modules and trains representing several Asian countries including Japan. I will have all my own modules in this layout and they are all Japanese and I have been working on finishing a few more things. The museum website is https://www.hiller.org/
  2. Hi everyone, After a 3-1/2 year hiatus due to the pandemic, Paul (railtunes) and I will be setting up our AsiaNrail layout at the Hiller Aviation Museum as part of the 2023 edition of their "Trains and Planes" exhibit. The dates are Wednesday, April 12th through Sunday, April 16th. This Museum is located between the San Carols airport and US 101. Check the museum's web site HERE for the hours and more details. Any interested locals, or anyone visiting our area is welcome to join us.
  3. tossedman

    Super train 2015

    My son and a friend joined my wife and I on our annual pilgrimage to Supertrain, Canada's largest model train show that is held every spring here in Calgary. There are over 100 exhibitors with lots and lots of layouts. It's always great to see what's new and what's been around for a while. Here's a fella's T-Trak layout with a twist. He uses extruded aluminum for the base. It's pretty cool but not the cheapest way to do things. These T-Trak modules are the only ones I saw here. The scenic half is made by a fella in Canmore which is about an hour west of here and the other half by a fella in Edmonton which is about three hours north. You can see they've made larger modules. Here's what the bottom of his corner module looks like. He's got two corner modules in one here, 180°. They're very rigid and he uses a plate to join the modules together making alignment pretty straight forward. Saw a new standard (well, new to me) for the little ones. W Trak! It's wooden railroads for little tykes. Well thought out and well used. Lots more information at wTrak.org. You can download a copy of one of his books here. This exhibit was packed. Great place for the little ones to get a chance to do some hands on since almost every other exhibit said "hands off"! Of all the trains and layouts on display there were only two Japanese trains that I saw. One was a Lego train and the other was none other than Spaceman Spiff's. Here's the Shinkansen that he had out at the moment. He had others behind the scene as well. He was down from Edmonton with the Edmonton N Scalers. And finally, since Noah's birthday is next Friday we stopped at HobbyTech's display (our LHS that carries lots of Japanese and European rail) and picked up a Kato N700A Shinkansen. Noah was pretty excited to get train show pricing even though I paid for it. Go figure eh! Somehow I foresee an expansion pack being asked for in the future. Here it is beside his Kato E5 Shinkansen. Cheers eh, Todd
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