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Found 5 results

  1. Metro and Tobu have apparently agreed on a basic design for two upcoming models, the Metro 13000 series and the Tobu 70000 series. These will be used for services that interline between the Metro Hibiya Line and the Tobu Skytree Line. Services are currently operated with a mixture of 3- and 5-door cars; these will all be 20m (sorry Toni) 4-door cars with longitudinal seating, run in 7-car formations. They will come into service from 2016 to 2019. The link below has an image showing the Metro car at top, the Tobu car in the middle, and then the Tobu car's interior at the bottom. http://railf.jp/news/2015/06/18/100000.html
  2. For anyone interested in engineering failures, the linked article may entertain. I don't think I would like to stand under any of these spans. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/email-trail-reveals-highlevel-warnings-about-skytrain-safety-threat-20170111-gtpc6u.html In a nutshell, there are concerns over the construction methods of the elevated part of the line. The government authority in charge of roads is not allowing the builders to build over the roads until they prove it will be done safely. The builders are under pressure to avoid this delay because they will be penalised for not meeting deadlines. Competing demands?
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/04/nyregion/surge-in-ridership-pushes-new-york-subway-to-limit.html?action=click&contentCollection=Opinion&module=Trending&version=Full&region=Marginalia&pgtype=article
  4. I'm planning on a visit to New York City this summer, and want to squeeze in an hour or so of railfan photography (the trip is primarily touristic/cultural rather than hardcore railfanning). I want to get some pics of the R32 cars, which elevated stations have the best vantage points? I reckon the location will be somewhere in Brooklyn. Thanks.
  5. bikkuri bahn

    No train directly to LAX

    As expected of these things, a day late and a dollar short. Light rail sucks anyway for airport service (imagine having only Setagaya Line type trains serving Narita or Haneda!), really need a RER/S-bahn type system for LA, but hey, its something (better than nothing...) http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-lax-rail-link-20140124,0,1688792.story
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