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  1. Hey guys, I have been shooting pictures with my Nikon D5100 DSLR and Nikon 18-55 mm kit lens for like three years now and it's time for an upgrade. I believe quite some members on the forums are also into photography, so hopefully someone can help me out. The main problem I have with the 18-55 mm lens is that it just doesn't zoom in very much. For street photography, landscapes and a bit of simple train photography it is sufficient. However, when trains or other objects are further away, 55mm just doesn't cut it. Too many times I have missed the chance to take a photo because I just wasn't able to zoom in beyond what my current lens offers. So I'm looking for a new lens that either supplements and/or replaces my current lens. There's also the thing that I will be staying in Japan for half a year very soon, and that I want to have proper photography equipment to take nice photos while I am there. I have been looking at "superzoom" lenses that are combined wide angle and zoom lenses in one, but I do feel like they have too many compromises to compensate for the convenience of having one lens for all. A Nikon 55-200 mm lens, supplementing my current 18-55 mm lens, is a possibility. However, I feel like I will be getting annoyed at the need to change lenses constantly because most photos I want to take are probably in the 18-100/150 mm range. That opens up the road for the Nikon 18-140 mm lens, but which is just too expensive for me currently. Then there's also the Nikon 18-105 mm lens, which will probably suffice plenty enough for my daily photographing. However, that means I'm missing out on anything beyond 105mm, which I actually do really want for the occasion that I need that zoom. Getting the aforementioned 55-200 mm lens in addition to the 18-105 mm lens is a possibility, but I feel like that would be spending money on an overlap of 50mm, while not having the convenience of zooming in even further. Although I do not believe that I will want to zoom in beyond 200 mm any time soon. There's also tons of other zoom lenses available, but the Nikon 18-105 + 55-200 together fit right into my budget and seem to offer the best picture quality vs price, while the other options just seem too expensive for now. I have been looking at so many lenses now that I feel like I just don't know what I should go with any more. Should I get one or two new lenses, should I get a more expensive one now and save up for another expensive one later or will two more affordable lenses suffice for now, etc. I hope someone can help me out with that.
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