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Found 9 results

  1. full article with good graphics: https://www.propublica.org/article/train-derailment-long-trains *I remember seeing ~1 mile long coal trains on the Colorado Joint Line back in the late 70s and 80s, hauling Wyoming coal to Texas utilities, but I didn't know freight trains now can be 2 or even 3 miles long!
  2. Philphil

    The Model Train Wreck Thread

    Hello guys, I didn't see any other threads specifically about this topic, so I thought I'd make a new one: MODEL TRAIN WRECKS! This is the perfect thread to tell us about the latest accident, derailment, or other model train mishap that happen on your layout! Please don't forget to post lots of pictures!
  3. Yavianice

    KTX bullet train derails

    https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20181208_16/ fortunately no major injuries.
  4. Yavianice

    KATO E6/H5 derailment issues

    Hello all, I have purchased the KATO E6 and I currently have the KATO H5 on order. I have already received the KATO E6 a while ago, and I have the issue that it keeps derailing (sometimes, pretty badly) at switches. -None- of my other KATO trains have this issue anywhere, even at top speed. Switching to a different E6 train just gives the same issue. I have all KATO rails and switches, very new. Some amazon.co.jp reviews say that both the H5/E5 and E6 are prone to derailment. Is there any way to stop it from derailing? Maybe weighing it down? Suggestions or personal stories/fixes are highly appreciated. I would order the TOMIX versions to see if these have the same problems, except that the TOMIX versions are much harder to acquire and very expensive. Does anyone know if the TOMIX versions also derail so often? Thanks!
  5. Derailment on Tobu Tojo Line shortly after noon today. Just outside Naka Itabashi Station. No passenger injuries. Cause still under investigation, but possibly a faulty bogie. Regular service to be restored by daybreak Thursday. https://youtube.com/watch?v=rmZb3hxUIJY
  6. This evening at approx 18:10, an out of service (no passengers aboard) train leaving the rolling stock depot in the vicinity of Sagami Oono Station derailed, causing a widespread power failure, affecting trains on the Odakyu Main Line. The train was a 6 car consist, among which the third, fourth and fifth cars derailed. A number of other trains were no longer able to move on the mainline, forcing passengers to disembark and walk along tracks to the nearest grade crossing or train station. Apparently full operations will be restored by 23:00.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23298374 This has a CG simulation of the accident (French language): http://www.francetvinfo.fr/faits-divers/accident-de-train-a-bretigny/video-l-eclisse-la-piece-a-l-origine-du-drame_369336.html
  8. http://www.straitstimes.com/breaking-news/asia/story/high-speed-bullet-train-derails-japan-media-20130302 *note: the line where the derailment occured is the stretch of 130km/h line w/grade crossings, not a "high speed" line. The train was running at restricted speed of 20km/h due to the weather conditions. This the first derailment on the Akita Shinkansen since it was opened. Northern Japan is currently being hit with a winter storm holding typhoon strength winds- just a few minutes ago I was almost bowled over by a gust while trying to walk over icy sidewalks.
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