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New Type : JR East E6 Shinkansen

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I guess everyone is 'enthousiastic' about the new E5 Series Shinkansen. Have you seen the nose of this train !?!. I guess the japanese just suffer from nose-envy! Well taste cannot be discussed. I like it! Can't wait to get my hands on the model! Even better: maybe the colour brings more girls to the hobby  :grin

JR East also ordered the E6 Series Shinkasen which will be coupled together with the E5 on certain parts of the Tohoku trunk line and replace the E3 Series KOMACHI. The only info I found was on Wiki but it's not much. Does anyone have pictures (well conceptuals, computer generated pics) of the E6 'new' Komachi?


Thanks and cheers!


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The E6 isn't scheduled to enter service until 2013.  It's bit early....





sure you are right...

conceptual art (I don't if know that's the right expression in English, I mean sketches, computer generated pictures and the like) could be there but maybe not for the public eye...

anyway the 'nose' will be special to say the least

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Didn't they have 2 prototypes, the standard size like for main shinkansen lines and the smaller version or the mini-shinkansen lines?

Maybe the E6 is the mini-shinkansen version of the E5?




There's the Fastech 360.  The Fastech 360S was recently scrapped.  The end cars may survive. There are photos in this Japanese language blog.





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Have you seen the nose of this train !?!


Form follows function.  Much of the route this train will be running on will be in tunnel (and many of them at that).  I also like this design, though the color scheme is not my taste.  A better livery may actually de-emphasize the nose and make it more broadly appealing.  Oh well, some day it will be "pokemontized", I suppose...

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The E6 will replace the E3 Komachi, see pic).


At the moment E3 are often coupled together with E2 form Tokyo up to Morioka. In Morioka the E3 follows the Akita-Mini-Shinkansen line and the E2 speeds up along Tokoku Line to Hachinohe. The E5 will gradually replace the E2. E5 will have service speeds of up to 320km/h and therefore they need a faster 'partner' than the E3 (275 km/h max). So the future formation will be E5 + E6.


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Can't find any pics on the 'net. Apparently the Yomiuri newspaper once had a concept drawing, but that link is dead.  Some sources state it will be based on the E955 Fastech, which of course is what the E5 set derives from.

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Even the labels to these photos are confused.

Am I right in saying there are 3 designs -the 360Z (arrowhead), the 360S (arrowhead) and the fastech (wedge)?

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Even the labels to these photos are confused.

Am I right in saying there are 3 designs -the 360Z (arrowhead), the 360S (arrowhead) and the fastech (wedge)?


Maybe? The 360S had two different noses, one on each end, the arrowhead (selected for E5) and the wedge. As near as I can tell from those photos, the 360Z also had two different noses. The reason is, one of the photos shows two arrowhead noses coupling together, as the E5 and E6 would; Since only one of each cab car was built, one must be the Z and one the S. But most photos of the S show a distinctly wedge-shaped nose, so I think both sets had both kinds of noses.


I think.

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the only noticeable difference I have been able to discern between the S and Z was that there is a bubble canopy on one end where as the other series, the Z has a traditional neckline instead of a bubble.

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the only noticeable difference I have been able to discern between the S and Z was that there is a bubble canopy on one end where as the other series, the Z has a traditional neckline instead of a bubble.


Yes - these seeem to be the two arrowhead designs.

Capt - are you suggesting that at the other end of the train both will have the same wedge shape?


I thought the choice was between the arrowhead and wedge designs and that the arrowhead design was favoured because it performed better in tunnels.

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Capt - are you suggesting that at the other end of the train both will have the same wedge shape?





I thought the choice was between the arrowhead and wedge designs and that the arrowhead design was favoured because it performed better in tunnels.


Again, yep!

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So let me get this right...both have the same wedge shape at one end but each has a different arrowhead at the other?


I don't know. I took Shashinka's comment to suggest that the S and Z wedge ends had slight differences too. Let me find some images and see.

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Here is the 360S (class E954—the regular shinkansen version) "streamline" (what we've been calling the "wedge") end. This is car no. E954-1. Car E954-8 has the "arrowline", or "ass-ugly" nose that was selected for the E5 production model (see below).


width=400http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/Shinkansen_E954%28fastech360S%29_arrow-line.jpg[/img] (source Wikimedia Commons)

width=400http://blog-imgs-26.fc2.com/m/y/o/myoko189/IMG_0052.jpg[/img] (source http://myoko189.blog85.fc2.com/blog-entry-125.html)

width=400http://pics.livedoor.com/imsize/data/010/1/9/193f4be34b38adfe65a5-1024.JPG[/img] (Notice E5 in background. source http://pics.livedoor.com/u/noriyuki0320/5494709)

width=400http://www.bullet-train.jp/tc/photo/img_6471.jpg[/img](arrow: top; wedge: bottom. source: http://www.bullet-train.jp/tc/tc_02.html)


We've all seen plenty of photos of the arrowline E954-8, so I won't post them here :D


A little searching reveals that the 360Z (class E955) does not have a streamline/wedge end. Both E955-1 and E955-6 have the arrowline shape, contrary to what I stated in an earlier post (apologies!). Nevertheless, because the 360Z is designed to a narrower loading gauge than the 360S (being a mini-shinkansen and all), the arrowline shape of cars E955-1 and E955-6 differ slightly from the wider bodied E954-8: The E955 version is shorter:

width=400http://e954e955.bg.cat-v.ne.jp/image/07121534.jpg[/img] (E955-1 on left, E954-1, and E954-8 on right. source: http://e954e955.bg.cat-v.ne.jp/article/347165.html)


The E955 canopy has more of a "bubble" shape than the E954-8, and the flares around the trucks aren't as pronounced:

width=400http://noriyuki.cocolog-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/016.jpg[/img] (360S left; 360Z right. source: http://noriyuki.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2006/04/e954e955_3c72.html)


And there are no images of the proposed E6 anywhere that I can find!


Hope this is helpful to settling the matter :D

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