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Anyone been to star trek con lately?


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So I have a hankering to go to a star trek convention. Haven't been to one in years and was wondering how the creation series is doing these days. They seem to be the only ones left. Are the still just as fun as weird as they were a decade ago? One coming up in August in the Philly area I'm thinking about.


live long, and prosper...



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Haven't changed any. Farpoint and Shoreleave in this area are coming up, and then there's always the quad-annual NoVa cons in Tyson's. After that crapfest of a reboot movie two years ago, I've all but given up on the franchise.

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So how is shoreleave? Looks interesting and closer and cheaper.


The latest was a disappointment for me the first time. Then I saw it a few times on tv and it grew on me more and does not bug me so much. I've never been a huge star trek movie fan, I think the power of the concept works better in terms of the hour show and serialization. Movies are to just make money off the franchise and hopefully keep things alive.


Just curious how many Trekkies are there in Japanese train modeling fans?





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I'm part of a Star Trek knitting club.  I'm a Lieutenant Jr. Grade in the science division aboard the USS Angora.


And that means I win the nerd prize of the night!


The only convention I've ever been to was on accident.  I was ten (I think), and my parents had a lark to take us to the Smithsonian.  When we arrived and saw there was a MASSIVE trek convention going on that day, my older brother (also a trek fan) and I almost had a nerdsplosion right there on the spot.


My parents bought me a Tribble...best day ever.

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haha funny,


I was thinking of trying to go to one of these comic cons in jpn though I think I may get trampled on I hear they can be deadly.

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Well Sir Partick Stewart was in Melbourne and a few other Star Trek personalities were at OZ Comic-con, but I didn't go to it due to I have been interstate for other conventions which have been better organised than this group.

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lol a nerdsplosion, love it! right up there with awesome sauce!


dont know about comic cons, but the star trek conversions use to be pretty mellow, wild, but mellow. just dont piss off the klingons. norsicans rarely ever show up.



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