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Mobile phone - which one??


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Martijn Meerts

Bit late, but hey =)


I have an iPhone, and I'm very happy with it. By far the most user-friendly phone to use, things just make sense. Of course, I'm a registered iPhone OS developer, so it made sense to buy an iPhone, you can't test everything on the simulator or the iPod Touch.


Another reason is that I have a MacBook Pro, a Mac Pro and a MobileMe account. The iPhone fits in perfectly, and all important data (contacts, calendar, mail etc.) is automatically synched across the 2 machines, the phone, and the MobileMe account.


Other phones I've had are several Nokia's (the old ones are great, new ones.. meh ;)), several Samsung (still like them), and HTC, and an Ericsson (from before they merged with Sony)



Another reason the iPhone is great, is that Square Enix recently released Final Fantasy 1 and 2 on the iPhone =)

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Martijn Meerts

iPad would make a rather nice advanced mobile controller. With the screen size, you could display anything from multiple throttles, fairly large locomotive overviews (including details like speed step, which functions are active etc.), track diagram with tappable turnouts and signals etc, and of course a nicely detailed CV programming mode.

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