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Expanding the Kato Station


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I picked up a second Kato station expansion kit to increase my station to a 3 platform/6 line station. I think this will take a small amount of kitbashing as kato doesn't seem to intended it's use this way. There's a small gap to bridge between the near walkways on the second and third platforms. I have some pieces that I think will work for this. 


The LED wiring for the station is getting messy though. After I work out the final station footprint I'll make a cutout for use as a layout mockup. I'm going to build the station as a liftout section on foamboard or PVC. 


I'd like to organize the wires on the underside of the station module board and have them lead to a clean line of connectors. Wires will then pass as a cable to the underside of the layout and connect with a board mounted potentiometer/resistor/connecter unit that than be removed from under the layout. The idea will be to be able to "tune" the lights without needing to be underneath the layout. I had this situation before and it was super annoying. Lots of asking my wife to look at the lights while turning a screw and asking "How about now?". 





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I finished the first part of the station expansion. I was originally going to just connect the two accessary station buildings like in the pictures above. But I decided I wanted to have a real station front with busses and taxis etc. So I extended the walkway all the way across. I hope to eventually join it to a station front building. I'm not sure what I'll use but I'm considering the ground floor buildings from the Tomix overhead station with some other structure kit-bashed on top of it. The Tomytec police statin and hospital in the picture below are placeholders for this future building. Below that is a link to a thread where the kit-bash is described in detail. 







Edited by gavino200
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