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Kato 10-1576 dcc?


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I like this train, 251 Super View Odoriko


Does anyone know if it's ready for the Kato decoders or it has to be hardwired for DCC?


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I have the 10-1411 version (color is a little different).  It is NOT DCC ready and you'd have to hardwire on mine.  I would assume 10-1576 is the same underneath the body shell but I don't know for sure.

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Make a post in the data base thread to have it added to the dcc data base. We try to keep independent threads on all dcc installs so that they are distinct conversations and not lost in the noise of others.





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I got the Odoriko 10-1576 a few days ago and I can confirm it is not DCC-ready. I just hardwired it all with an ESU Loksound for the motor car and two Laisdcc for the lights of front and rear cars.

Nothing specially difficult. The train is beautiful and comes already pre-lighted in all 10 coaches from KATO.

Runs very well and very fast, as most Katos. I had to adjust CV5 to 60 to make speed n-scale-realistic


It is the first time I use the Laisdcc decoders and can confirm they work OK

For the record, the CV adjustments you have to make to control lights with the motor wires (make it bipolar) are:


CV61 = 68  --> This makes the lights controlled by F0 and train direction of travel

CV133 = 60 ---> This is the intensity of the lights. You can adjust from zero to 255. I found 60 works for me


By the way, there is an error or misunderstanding in the Laisdcc decoder manual. They say that with CV61=68 you control the lights with F2, but it is really with F0 (as it should be)



Edited by jozasa
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22 hours ago, Redblock said:

I know this is an older post.  I recently got into N-Scale and picked up a Odoriko 10-1576.  Which Loksound Decoder did you wire in?

Loksound 5 micro

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