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Trains-n-Scrapple West -- Albuquerque, NM, Saturday May 18


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It's time once again for Trains-n-Scrapple, happening in Albuquerque on May 18!


This year will include:


For location and to RSVP, please message me.


(A bit of history: Trains-n-Scrapple started in Maryland in 2001, when I met up with another Japanese model railroader to play with trains and eat scrapple. That little "playdate" turned into an annual event, and after a few years it spawned the Japan Rail Modelers of Washington, DC club. In 2017, I moved back to my home state of New Mexico -- so now there are two Trains-n-Scrapple events, one hosted in the DC area by the club, and one hosted in Albuquerque by me.)

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