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What did you order or the post deliver? (Worldwide Models)


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On 6/7/2024 at 8:09 AM, ED75-775 said:

The Ge4/4 on the other hand was a surprise find at Popondetta Yokohama. At ¥22,000 it wasn’t cheap, but at the same time it’s also one of the Noch exclusives, item no. 7074063, which may also play some part in said cost. It looks to be in perfect external condition, and of course ran well when I tested it.



That's awesome.   I've looked at the Noch exclusives on websites and wished they were still available and affordable...  I don't know why I like the Rhätische Bahn.   While I've been in Switzerland, never in that neck of the woods and have never traveled on it (yet).  But I just like them and have a bunch of stuff (though no Allegras)


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A visit to Paris for Japan Expo 2024 yielded this right on the first day, at Trans-Europ.


One DB BR 215 in DCC
One Small DR luggage car with lights

Two SNCF Corail TER 2º Class coaches

One (painfully expensive) SNCF BB 26000 DCC with sound. Because it was the last of the Multiservice in stock...



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The first of the new RhB R -w wagons by Kato arrived:




I have the pack of four with containers and the single one with the optional log loads.


I was contemplating waiting until a UK stockist had the four pack with logs in stock as in the past one in particular has been competitive with Hobbysearch after including VAT and postage, but not any more - £150 here vs £75 (ish) from Hobbysearch. Will order the other pack soon.

Edited by Welshbloke
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I was able to snag this dodgy coach at Ebay.


The first class Corail coach from Portugal, by Arnold.



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